Data Files

Input data

Input data should be specified using the following formats. One CSV should specify thermostat summary metadata (e.g. unique identifiers, location, etc.). Another CSV (or CSVs) should contain runtime information, linked to the metadata csv by the thermostat_id column.

Example files here.

Thermostat Summary Metadata CSV format


Name Data Format Units Description
thermostat_id string N/A A uniquely identifying marker for the thermostat.
equipment_type enum, {0..5} N/A The type of controlled HVAC heating and cooling equipment. [1]
zipcode string, 5 digits N/A The ZIP code in which the thermostat is installed [2].
utc_offset string N/A The UTC offset of the times in the corresponding interval data CSV. (e.g. “-0700”)
interval_data_filename string N/A The filename of the interval data file corresponding to this thermostat. Should be specified relative to the location of the metadata file.
  • Each row should correspond to a single thermostat.
  • Nulls should be specified by leaving the field blank.
  • All interval data for a particular thermostat should use the same, single UTC offset provided in the metadata file.

Thermostat Interval Data CSV format


Name Data Format Units Description
thermostat_id string N/A Uniquely identifying marker for the thermostat.
date YYYY-MM-DD (ISO-8601) N/A Date of this set of readings.
cool_runtime decimal or integer minutes Daily runtime of cooling equipment.
heat_runtime decimal or integer minutes Daily runtime of heating equipment. [3]
auxiliary_heat_HH decimal or integer minutes Hourly runtime of auxiliary heat equipment (HH=00-23).
emergency_heat_HH decimal or integer minutes Hourly runtime of emergency heat equipment (HH=00-23).
temp_in_HH decimal, to nearest 0.5 °F Hourly average conditioned space temperature over the period of the reading (HH=00-23).
heating_setpoint_HH decimal, to nearest 0.5 °F Hourly average thermostat setpoint temperature over the period of the reading (HH=00-23).
cooling_setpoint_HH decimal, to nearest 0.5 °F Hourly average thermostat setpoint temperature over the period of the reading (HH=00-23).
  • Each row should correspond to a single daily reading from a thermostat.
  • Nulls should be specified by leaving the field blank.
  • Zero values should be specified as 0, rather than as blank.
  • If data is missing for a particular row of one column, data should still be provided for other columns in that row. For example, if runtime is missing for a particular date, please still provide indoor conditioned space temperature and setpoints for that date, if available.
  • Runtimes should be less than or equal to 1440 min (1 day).
  • Dates should be specified in the ISO 8601 date format (e.g. 2015-05-19).
  • All temperatures should be specified in °F (to the nearest 0.5°F).
  • If no distinction is made between heating and cooling setpoint, set both equal to the single setpoint.
  • All runtime data MUST have the same UTC offset, as provided in the corresponding metadata file.
  • If only a single setpoint is used for the thermostat, please copy the same setpoint data in to the heating and cooling setpoint columns.
  • Outdoor temperature data need not be provided - it will be fetched automatically from NCDC using the eeweather package package.
  • Dates should be consecutive.

Options for equipment_type:

  • 0: Other – e.g. multi-zone multi-stage, modulating. Note: module will not output savings data for this type.
  • 1: Single stage heat pump with electric resistance aux and/or emergency heat (i.e., strip heat)
  • 2: Single stage heat pump without additional and/or supplemental heating sources (excludes aux/emergency heat as well as dual fuel systems, i.e., heat pump plus gas- or oil-fired furnace)
  • 3: Single stage non heat pump with single-stage central air conditioning
  • 4: Single stage non heat pump without central air conditioning
  • 5: Single stage central air conditioning without central heating
[2]Will be used for matching with a weather station that provides external dry-bulb temperature data. This temperature data will be used to determine the bounds of the heating and cooling season over which metrics will be computed. For more information on the mapping between ZIP / ZCTA codes and weather stations, please see eeweather and thermostat.stations.
[3]Should not include runtime for auxiliary or emergency heat - this should be provided separately in the columns emergency_heat_HH and auxiliary_heat_HH.

Output data

Individual thermostat-season

The following columns are a intermediate output generated for each thermostat-season.


Name Data Format Units Description
General outputs      
sw_version string N/A Software version.
ct_identifier string N/A Identifier for thermostat as provided in the metadata file.
equipment_type enum {0..5} N/A Equipment type of this thermostat (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5).
heating_or_cooling string N/A Label for the core day set (e.g. ‘heating_2012-2013’).
zipcode string, 5 digits N/A ZIP code provided in the metadata file.
station string, USAF ID N/A USAF identifier for station used to fetch hourly temperature data.
climate_zone string N/A EIC climate zone (consolidated).
start_date date ISO-8601 Earliest date in input file.
end_date date ISO-8601 Latest date in input file.
n_days_both_heating_and_cooling integer # days Number of days not included as core days due to presence of both heating and cooling.
n_days_insufficient_data integer # days Number of days not included as core days due to missing data.
n_core_cooling_days integer # days Number of days meeting criteria for inclusion in core cooling day set.
n_core_heating_days integer # days Number of days meeting criteria for inclusion in core heating day set.
n_days_in_inputfile_date_range integer # days Number of potential days in inputfile date range.
baseline10_core_cooling_comfort_temperature float °F Baseline comfort temperature as determined by 10th percentile of indoor temperatures.
baseline90_core_cooling_comfort_temperature float °F Baseline comfort temperature as determined by 90th percentile of indoor temperatures.
regional_average_baseline_cooling_comfort_temperature float °F Baseline comfort temperature as determined by regional average.
regional_average_baseline_heating_comfort_temperature float °F Baseline comfort temperature as determined by regional average.
Model outputs      
percent_savings_baseline_percentile float percent Percent savings as given by hourly average CTD or HTD method with 10th or 90th percentile baseline
avoided_daily_mean_core_day_runtime_baseline_percentile float minutes Avoided average daily runtime for core cooling days
avoided_total_core_day_runtime_baseline_percentile float minutes Avoided total runtime for core cooling days
baseline_daily_mean_core_day_runtime_baseline_percentile float minutes Baseline average daily runtime for core cooling days
baseline_total_core_day_runtime_baseline_percentile float minutes Baseline total runtime for core cooling days
percent_savings_baseline_regional float percent Percent savings as given by hourly average CTD or HTD method with 10th or 90th percentile regional baseline
avoided_daily_mean_core_day_runtime_baseline_regional float minutes Avoided average daily runtime for core cooling days
avoided_total_core_day_runtime_baseline_regional float minutes Avoided total runtime for core cooling days
baseline_daily_mean_core_day_runtime_baseline_regional float minutes Baseline average daily runtime for core cooling days
baseline_total_core_day_runtime_baseline_regional float minutes Baseline total runtime for core cooling days
mean_demand float °F Average cooling demand
alpha float minutes/Δ°F The fitted slope of cooling runtime to demand regression
tau float °F The fitted intercept of cooling runtime to demand regression
mean_sq_err float N/A Mean squared error of regression
root_mean_sq_err float N/A Root mean squared error of regression
cv_root_mean_sq_err float N/A Coefficient of variation of root mean squared error of regression
mean_abs_err float N/A Mean absolute error
mean_abs_pct_err float N/A Mean absolute percent error
Runtime outputs      
total_core_cooling_runtime float minutes Total core cooling equipment runtime
total_core_heating_runtime float minutes Total core heating equipment runtime
total_auxiliary_heating_core_day_runtime float minutes Total core auxiliary heating equipment runtime
total_emergency_heating_core_day_runtime float minutes Total core emergency heating equipment runtime
daily_mean_core_cooling_runtime float minutes Average daily core cooling runtime
daily_mean_core_heating_runtime float minutes Average daily core cooling runtime
Core mean temperatures      
core_cooling_days_mean_indoor_temperature float °F Mean of core cooling days indoor temperature
core_cooling_days_mean_outdoor_temperature float °F Mean of core cooling days outdoor temperature
core_heating_days_mean_indoor_temperature float °F Mean of heating days indoor temperature
core_heating_days_mean_outdoor_temperature float °F Mean of heating days outdoor temperature
core_mean_indoor_temperature float °F Mean of indoor temperature
core_mean_outdoor_temperature float °F Mean of outdoor temperature
Resistance heat outputs      
rhu1_aux_duty_cycle float minutes Resistance heat utilization auxiliary duty cycle
rhu1_emg_duty_cycle float minutes Resistance heat utilization emergency duty cycle
rhu1_compressor_duty_cycle float minutes Resistance heat utilization compressor duty cycle
rhu1_00F_to_05F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq T_{out} < 5\)
rhu1_05F_to_10F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq T_{out} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_15F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq T_{out} < 15\)
rhu1_15F_to_20F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq T_{out} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_25F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq T_{out} < 25\)
rhu1_25F_to_30F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq T_{out} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_35F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq T_{out} < 35\)
rhu1_35F_to_40F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq T_{out} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_45F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq T_{out} < 45\)
rhu1_45F_to_50F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq T_{out} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_55F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq T_{out} < 55\)
rhu1_55F_to_60F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(55 \leq T_{out} < 60\)
rhu1_00F_to_05F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu1_05F_to_10F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_15F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 15\)
rhu1_15F_to_20F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_25F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 25\)
rhu1_25F_to_30F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_35F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 35\)
rhu1_35F_to_40F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_45F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}}< 45\)
rhu1_45F_to_50F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_55F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 55\)
rhu1_55F_to_60F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu1_00F_to_05F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu1_05F_to_10F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_15F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 15\)
rhu1_15F_to_20F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_25F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 25\)
rhu1_25F_to_30F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_35F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 35\)
rhu1_35F_to_40F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_45F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 45\)
rhu1_45F_to_50F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_55F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 55\)
rhu1_55F_to_60F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(55 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu1_00F_to_05F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu1_05F_to_10F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_15F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 15\)
rhu1_15F_to_20F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_25F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 25\)
rhu1_25F_to_30F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_35F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 35\)
rhu1_35F_to_40F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_45F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 45\)
rhu1_45F_to_50F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_55F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 55\)
rhu1_55F_to_60F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(55 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu1_less10F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq T_{out} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_20F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq T_{out} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_30F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq T_{out} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_40F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq T_{out} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_50F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq T_{out} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_60F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq T_{out} < 60\)
rhu1_less10F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_20F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_30F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_40F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_50F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_60F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu1_less10F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_20F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_30F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_40F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_50F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_60F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu1_less10F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu1_10F_to_20F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu1_20F_to_30F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu1_30F_to_40F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu1_40F_to_50F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu1_50F_to_60F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% Resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu2_aux_duty_cycle float minutes Resistance heat utilization auxiliary duty cycle
rhu2_emg_duty_cycle float minutes Resistance heat utilization emergency duty cycle
rhu2_compressor_duty_cycle float minutes Resistance heat utilization compressor duty cycle
rhu2_00F_to_05F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq T_{out} < 5\)
rhu2_05F_to_10F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq T_{out} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_15F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq T_{out} < 15\)
rhu2_15F_to_20F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq T_{out} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_25F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq T_{out} < 25\)
rhu2_25F_to_30F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq T_{out} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_35F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq T_{out} < 35\)
rhu2_35F_to_40F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq T_{out} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_45F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq T_{out} < 45\)
rhu2_45F_to_50F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq T_{out} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_55F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq T_{out} < 55\)
rhu2_55F_to_60F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(55 \leq T_{out} < 60\)
rhu2_00F_to_05F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu2_05F_to_10F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_15F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 15\)
rhu2_15F_to_20F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_25F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 25\)
rhu2_25F_to_30F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_35F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 35\)
rhu2_35F_to_40F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_45F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}}< 45\)
rhu2_45F_to_50F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_55F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 55\)
rhu2_55F_to_60F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu2_00F_to_05F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu2_05F_to_10F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_15F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 15\)
rhu2_15F_to_20F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_25F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 25\)
rhu2_25F_to_30F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_35F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 35\)
rhu2_35F_to_40F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_45F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 45\)
rhu2_45F_to_50F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_55F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 55\)
rhu2_55F_to_60F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(55 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu2_00F_to_05F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 5\)
rhu2_05F_to_10F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(5 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_15F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 15\)
rhu2_15F_to_20F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(15 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_25F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 25\)
rhu2_25F_to_30F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(25 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_35F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 35\)
rhu2_35F_to_40F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(35 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_45F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 45\)
rhu2_45F_to_50F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(45 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_55F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 55\)
rhu2_55F_to_60F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(55 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu2_less10F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq T_{out} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_20F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq T_{out} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_30F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq T_{out} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_40F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq T_{out} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_50F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq T_{out} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_60F decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq T_{out} < 60\)
rhu2_less10F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_20F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_30F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_40F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_50F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_60F_aux_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{aux}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu2_less10F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_20F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_30F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_40F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_50F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_60F_emg_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{emerg}}{T_{out}} < 60\)
rhu2_less10F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(0 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 10\)
rhu2_10F_to_20F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(10 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 20\)
rhu2_20F_to_30F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(20 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 30\)
rhu2_30F_to_40F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(30 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 40\)
rhu2_40F_to_50F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(40 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 50\)
rhu2_50F_to_60F_compressor_duty_cycle decmial 0.0=0%, 1.0=100% RHU2 filtered resistance heat utilization for hourly temperature bin \(50 \leq \frac{T_{comp}}{T_{out}} < 60\)

Summary Statistics

For each real- or integer-valued column (“###”) from the individual thermostat-season output, the following summary statistics are generated.

(For readability, these columns are actually rows.)


Name Description
###_n Number of samples
###_upper_bound_95_perc_conf 95% confidence upper bound on mean value
###_mean Mean value
###_lower_bound_95_perc_conf 95% confidence lower bound on mean value
###_sem Standard error of the mean
###_1q q1 (q=quantile)
###_2.5q q2.5
###_5q q5
###_10q q10
###_15q q15
###_20q q20
###_25q q25
###_30q q30
###_35q q35
###_40q q40
###_45q q45
###_50q q50
###_55q q55
###_60q q60
###_65q q65
###_70q q70
###_75q q75
###_80q q80
###_85q q85
###_90q q90
###_95q q95
###_98q q98
###_99q q99

The following general columns are also output:


Name Description
sw_version Software version
product_id Alphanumeric product identifier
n_thermostat_core_day_sets_total Number of relevant rows from thermostat module output before filtering
n_thermostat_core_day_sets_kept Number of relevant rows from thermostat module not filtered out
n_thermostat_core_day_sets_discarded Number of relevant rows from thermostat module filtered out

The following national weighted percent savings columns are also available.

National savings are computed by weighted average of percent savings results grouped by climate zone. Heavier weights are applied to results in climate zones which, regionally, tend to have longer runtimes. Weightings used are available for download.


Name Description
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_mean_national_weighted_mean National weighted mean percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q1_national_weighted_mean National weighted 1st percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q2.5_national_weighted_mean National weighted 2.5th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q5_national_weighted_mean National weighted 5th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q10_national_weighted_mean National weighted 10th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q15_national_weighted_mean National weighted 15th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q20_national_weighted_mean National weighted 20th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q25_national_weighted_mean National weighted 25th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q30_national_weighted_mean National weighted 30th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q35_national_weighted_mean National weighted 35th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q40_national_weighted_mean National weighted 40th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q45_national_weighted_mean National weighted 45th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q50_national_weighted_mean National weighted 50th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q55_national_weighted_mean National weighted 55th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q60_national_weighted_mean National weighted 60th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q65_national_weighted_mean National weighted 65th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q70_national_weighted_mean National weighted 70th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q75_national_weighted_mean National weighted 75th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q80_national_weighted_mean National weighted 80th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q85_national_weighted_mean National weighted 85th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q90_national_weighted_mean National weighted 90th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q95_national_weighted_mean National weighted 95th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q98_national_weighted_mean National weighted 98th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_q99_national_weighted_mean National weighted 99th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_lower_bound_95_perc_conf_national_weighted_mean National weighted mean percent savings lower bound as given by a 95% confidence interval and the baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_percentile_upper_bound_95_perc_conf_national_weighted_mean National weighted mean percent savings upper bound as given by a 95% confidence interval and the baseline_percentile method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_mean_national_weighted_mean National weighted mean percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q1_national_weighted_mean National weighted 1st percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q2.5_national_weighted_mean National weighted 2.5th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q5_national_weighted_mean National weighted 5th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q10_national_weighted_mean National weighted 10th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q15_national_weighted_mean National weighted 15th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q20_national_weighted_mean National weighted 20th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q25_national_weighted_mean National weighted 25th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q30_national_weighted_mean National weighted 30th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q35_national_weighted_mean National weighted 35th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q40_national_weighted_mean National weighted 40th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q45_national_weighted_mean National weighted 45th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q50_national_weighted_mean National weighted 50th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q55_national_weighted_mean National weighted 55th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q60_national_weighted_mean National weighted 60th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q65_national_weighted_mean National weighted 65th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q70_national_weighted_mean National weighted 70th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q75_national_weighted_mean National weighted 75th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q80_national_weighted_mean National weighted 80th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q85_national_weighted_mean National weighted 85th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q90_national_weighted_mean National weighted 90th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q95_national_weighted_mean National weighted 95th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q98_national_weighted_mean National weighted 98th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_q99_national_weighted_mean National weighted 99th percentile percent savings as given by baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_lower_bound_95_perc_conf_national_weighted_mean National weighted mean percent savings lower bound as given by a 95% confidence interval and the baseline_regional method.
percent_savings_baseline_regional_upper_bound_95_perc_conf_national_weighted_mean National weighted mean percent savings upper bound as given by a 95% confidence interval and the baseline_regional method.